Boylan Chiropractic LLC
2 Library Place
Bethel, CT 06801
fax: 203-790-1421
Take Route 58 North and turn left onto Route 302 (Greenwood Avenue). Continue straight for approximately 1 1/4 miles through the center of downtown Bethel. Make a right at the traffice light for Library Place. Boylan Chiropractic is a one-story brick building on your left. If you go over the railroad tracks you have gone too far.
Take Route 53 North and turn right onto Route 302 (Greenwood Avenue). Continue Straight on Greenwood Avenue for approximately ¾ of a mile. You will cross over the railroad tracks and come to a light, make a left onto Library Place. Boylan Chiropractic is a one-story brick building on your left.
Take 84 East toward Waterbury. Get off at Exit 8. Continue straight at the end of the ramp for no more then ½ mile. You will see a small brick building (Chase Bank) on your right. Make your first right onto Payne road. Follow this road straight through one stop sign to the end. Make a right onto Plumtrees Road. Continue straight for 1 1/2 miles to downtown Bethel. Make a right onto Route 302 (Greenwood Avenue). Go approximately 1/2 mile and turn right at the light for Library Place. Boylan Chiropractic is a one-story brick building on your left. If you go over the railroad tracks you have gone too far.
Take 84 East to exit 5. At the end of the ramp is a stop sign - continue straight. At the bottom of the hill is a traffic light where you will make a right onto Main Street (Danbury). Follow Main Street all the way to the end (approx. 1.5 miles.) The War Memorial Building and the statues will be in front of you. At the traffic light make a left onto South Street. At the second light (Angelos Pizza will be in front of you make a right onto Coalpit Hill Road. In about a mile you will come to a stop sign where you will bear right and follow this road until you get to a traffic light (a Mobil Gas Station will be on your right). Make a right onto Grassy Plain Street. At the next light you will make a left onto Greenwood Avenue (Route 302). Continue straight on Greenwood Avenue for approximately ¾ of a mile. You will cross over the railroad tracks and make a left at that first light for Library Place. Boylan Chiropractic is a one-story brick building on your left.
Take 302 into downtown Bethel. Make a right onto Library Place. Boylan Chiropractic is a one-story brick building on your left. If you go over the railroad tracks, you have gone too far.
Take the Merritt Parkway to Route 25 up to 302. At the light make the left onto 302 and follow directions from above.
Take 84 west to exit 9. Make a left at end of the ramp. Go to your first light and turn right on Route 6. Continue for 1 mile and make a left onto Old Hawleyville Road. Drive 1 1/2 miles and turn right onto Plumtrees Road. Follow signs to downtown Bethel making a right into Route 302 (Greenwood Avenue). Go approximately 1/2 mile and turn right at the light for Library Place. Boylan Chiropractic is a one-story brick building on your left. If you go over the railroad tracks you have gone too far.